Thoughts from the trenches

Stories, ideas and some of the stuff that makes me stop and think.


The Billion Dollar Innovation Lesson (hint: it's not the iPhone)

There seems to be a (more than desired) wide-spread misunderstanding of innovation, creativity and invention. These terms get thrown into conversations without much regard to the nuances that make each of these terms unique in its own right. I think a healthy dose of good old-fashioned history is just the cure that can put this misunderstanding to rest.


Innovation Is Like Love.

Everyone wants love but no one really wants to invest in themselves in order to become more loving. Becoming more loving requires a ton of sacrifice. Love hurts. True love anyways. It hurts our ego. And it should. Otherwise we would never experience it in all its splendor.


Stop Striving To Be A Good, Efficient, Agile Developer. Seriously.

You get the detailed user stories from the product owner, you estimate your work - good agile developer that you are - and off you go. You code that puppy until it purs and you test it until you've covered at least 90% of your code. You're good. You feel good. And so you should. You've been a good, efficient, agile developer. You commit your code and pick up your ping pong racket because your job is done and what a fine job too.


The Top Do-Or-Die Innovation Management Decision You Need To Make

If there's one thing all business leaders agree on, it has to be the need for innovation. The ability to create new goods and services that add exponential value to the business is a hot topic these days. Especially with so much cross-industry disruption going on. It seems as though every established player in virtually every industry is on the defence for a known or yet unknown young, innovative startup.